Sunday, February 27, 2011

the Den

We bought a great house in the country that we love, however it does need a few changes to become our dream house. We have projects that we want to do that range in levels of possibilities and will take years to do if they ever get done at all. But it's so fun to dream. :) We decided to tackle the den downstairs first!

Our den started out with horrible wood paneling with wood built-in shelving. Ugly. Very, very ugly. Tim first took down the paneling, the shelves, and the lath and plaster. It made quite a mess, but it was so great to get it all down!

Behind the paneling was a lovely pink wall and what used to be a window. Next came framing, insulation, and drywall. Tim put all the wiring for the TV, all the components, and the speakers behind the wall so that we could have a wire-free setup! What an amazing husband I have!

I painted the walls and the bricks on the fireplace. Here is the finished product minus the fireplace mantel. Not too bad if I do say so myself. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 months old!

Kendall is 5 months old! The time has flown by so quickly!!

Kendall can now:
· Roll over (though she stills needs some help at times) from front to back
· Get an object in her hand and get that object into her mouth
· Sit up with a little bit of support
· Laugh (though she doesn’t do it often)
· Sing along with George (her seahorse that plays music) and tell amazing stories :)

We started her on some antibiotics on Monday for a chest infection. She’s still coughing from her bout with RSV and coughs up green junk when she actually gets it out instead of swallowing it (I know…gross). But last night I only got up with her 4 times with minimal coughing! The medicine seems to be working! It’s bubble gum flavored, so you would think it would be yummy, but Kendall hates it. Obviously we still need to teach her how to enjoy the finer flavors in life. :)

It’s been a great 5 months and we’re looking forward to many more months!!