Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

We cut down our tree yesterday and decorated the house! First Kendall and I made a fire...

Then we put on the lights, and again Kendall helped. :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eating Oreos

Tim decided it was time to teach Kendall how to eat oreos. 

First attempt: taking bites

Second attempt: learning to dunk

Third attempt: trying to put the two together = FAIL

Friday, November 18, 2011

A few things

Here is a very quick summation of my life lately...

1. I have a pretty major weakness for Rolos. What could be better than chocolate and caramel?

2. My daughter is almost 14 months old now and is learning so much every day! She brings home pictures she colored at daycare daily and her new favorite phrase is “what is that?” Sleeping is still an issue, but I’ve resigned myself to accepting that it always will be that way.

3. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving break! I love holidays and spending time with family! This is my favorite time of year.

4. I’m going to be 30 in 20 days. That number really bothers me.

5. I wish my nails would grow and could look pretty. I have very weak nails that crack and break all the time. And I don’t want to spend the extra money it would take to try to make them nicer.

6. I like my husband a lot. And if I had the chance, I would marry him all over again… right honey? :)