Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Tim took the day off yesterday to try to get rid of extra vacation days before the end of the year (I'm super jealous). Josh came over, and together they put the rest of the insulation in the barn ceiling. Tim also decided to give me my present--well, hang up my present actually. We found this beautiful thing in a small family-owned kithcen and bathroom store in Marshalltown, and I immediately fell in love with it! Tim sectretly went back and bought it for me. What a wonderful surprise to come home from work to! My dining room looks completely different, in a VERY good way! :) You can't see all the detail in the pictures because of the lighting, but you can get the idea.

And as an extra birthday treat, I got a birthday postcard in the mail from Iowa Senator Steve Sodders. Just what I wanted!! How did they know? Seriously. This may make me a bad citizen, but I had no idea who this guy was before yesterday, yet somehow he knows my birthday? Weird.