Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

For Father's Day, we decided to go camping! Since it was Kendall's first time and we didn't know what to expect and it was supposed to rain that night, we camped in our backyard. We set up the tent, made a fire, grilled hot dogs, and made smores. Kendall had a great night--only woke up once like normal. Makes me all the more excited to camp over the 4th of July! Here are some pictures from our adventure.

Setting up the tent

Kendall inspects the setup and approves!

Hanging out by the fire

Kendall tried so hard to stay awake--she hates to miss anything. But after so much excitement, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Good night little lady! :) Watch the video here

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!! I cannot wait until the 4th! Kendall is primed and ready to go - Miles is going to love hanging with her and showing her how to play in the dirt! Did she try a s'more?

    OOOH!! Just think about next year with the mini-Sywassink's too!! What a BLAST! I love our growing family!
