Monday, June 28, 2010


I suddenly found myself in an extreme baking mood just a few days ago. I found 12 frozen bananas in my freezer (I later realized that I missed 3 that were hiding in the back. Oh well... that'll be the next batch) and made a quadruple batch of banana bread. I do not have a normal sized loaf pan, so I made a bunch of mini loaves, some normal muffins, and some muffins shaped like hearts (thank you again Anna for the muffin pan--the heart shaped ones are the most fun). It took a few hours, but here are the delicious results.

But that was not the end of my baking night. Raspberries were on sale at Hy-Vee, and of course, I couldn't pass them up. So I got three little packages and made a raspberry rhubarb pie. I admit, I cheated a bit and bought the store made pie crust instead of making my own, but hey, I was hot and tired by that point. Anyway, it leaked a little around the edges, but I'm sure that won't be a problem when it comes to eating it. :) Yummy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the Motorcycle

Sadly, not a whole lot of riding the motorcycle has been happening for me this summer. I've really missed it. But at least some people have been able to ride. :)

Hannah, being the oldest got the first ride.



And thanks Uncle Tim for the rides! They really enjoyed themselves.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Some baby pictures

So it's been about 6 months since I've written anything on my blog (there are a number of reasons behind that, but I won't get into those). But it is now time to start up again! I had an OB visit this morning--I am at 24 weeks and the baby is looking really good. The last few times I've been there, the ladies doing the ultrasounds have told me that the baby is measuring pretty big. So I'm either due a little earlier than my due date or I'm just going to have a ginormous baby. :) Anyway, here are some pictures of the little one.

Here is the classic profile. Has a little hand in there too.

And here's a close-up of the baby's face. He's got a fist up by his mouth and his toes are almost touching his nose. Obviously showing off his amazing flexibility. :)

And perhaps the coolest of all, the 3-D pictures. Looks like an actual baby! I think he's got Tim's nose. ;)