Friday, July 15, 2011

Satan's Lies

I have decided to pour out my heart this morning. That always brings such a feeling of relief and calm, doesn’t it? Anyway, about 3 or 4 weeks ago, I realized something that had been going on in me for a few weeks before that. I had been listening and believing lies that the devil had been putting in my mind and my heart. There was an increasingly loud voice in my mind that kept telling me things like, “you’re a terrible wife. If Tim isn’t completely happy and satisfied in all areas of your marriage, you are the only one to blame.” Or “you’re a horrible mother. Kendall can’t even crawl yet like all babies her age can. You must not know how to raise a child.” Or “you have no friends. No one wants to talk to you, invite you over, be with you at all. And no wonder—look at yourself.” Or “you are incredibly fat and ugly. You have become a complete and utter failure in life because of it too.”

And the sad thing is, I was believing all of these things unquestioningly. I have never hated myself so much or been so low. One night, as I was rocking Kendall to sleep, I heard another voice speak to me—well, shout at me really. It said, “Carrie, you’re believing lies. Satan has a strong hold in your life in this area right now. You are my child, I love you, and I made you exactly who you are, and my creation is GOOD.” I started to cry. After laying Kendall down, I confessed everything I had been feeling and hearing to Tim. And my life took a 180 starting that night. I started believing God’s truths. I admit, I still did and do find myself falling into thinking negatively about myself, but as soon as I catch myself, I pray. And God helps me to turn around again. I’m not perfect. I’m not a perfect mother, a perfect wife, or a perfect friend. I struggle with my weight and am not the most gorgeous girl around. But I’m God’s perfect creation. And through Him I can get closer to being perfect. No more lies.


  1. I think most of our struggles can be traced back to believing lies over the truth. There's a great book about this called Lies Women Believe. Proud of you for realizing this and taking a stand against these lies. I will be praying for you that the truth might be loudly spoken in your mind and heart. The Holy Spirit is present within you and will breathe truth into all your life. Love you!

  2. You inspire me to think wisely over the satanic holds. Know you are being heard and know that I see Christ through your actions and words.

  3. I think that this struggle is passed down through the generations--you are in the fourth generation that I know of. For my part in passing this on, I am sincerely sorry. I have struggled because of believing these lies also.
    I am learning to believe in my heart finally, that this is true. Moving it from head knowledge to heart knowledge is hard.
    I encourage you to try to pinpoint times, actions, and words from your youth that brought you closer and closer to believing these lies. They have become a script that judge your life and yourself by, and the only way to pull them out so they don't come back is to get at the roots. Find them, name them, forgive who you need to forgive, ask for the Holy Spirit to cleanse your soul, to help you yank them out roots and all. And that will leave space to grow into the person that God designed you to be--and that will take place over your lifetime.
    Think also of the many confirmations of you that God has given you over your lifetime. That he wants YOU here alive and well and living for him. He has a plan for you and has placed you where he wants you to be.
    You are special and loved.
