Thursday, July 14, 2011


Kendall has been getting so great at standing! She can pull her self up on almost anything and wants to be standing all day long. As I was folding laundry last night, she insisted on “helping.” She would stand up next to the laundry basket and pull out clothes one by one until she had a pile next to her. I would put the pile back in the laundry basket so I could fold it, and the game would start again. What a great helper… ;) Good thing she’s so cute!

Speaking of folding laundry, my week has seemed like it’s been nothing but cleaning up and trying to catch up, as most people are doing around here after the storm on Monday. Tim and I took the day off on Monday (since there was no electricity anyway) to clean up the yard and help some of those around us. I had a normal Tuesday, and then Wednesday hit me. I’m behind on so much at work and was running around like crazy trying to finish all my different projects and studies. At home there’s baking, cleaning, cooking, taking care of a baby, and practices to go to. Kendall has also decided to wake up 5 times a night this last week, and I do not handle severe lack of sleep well. All I want to do is hide under a desk, maybe cry a little bit, and come out when the week is done. Times like these make me DETEST my long drive to and from Ankeny every day. What a waste of precious time.

To ease our fears and frustrations, Tim and I made a schedule for the rest of the week. We have outlined certain things that need to get done every day after work, and when we are done with that night's list, we are allowed to sit and relax the rest of the night. Last night, we didn’t get to sit down until 8:30, which is almost bedtime, but we did get our whole list done. So I practice my deep breathing, check items off the list at work and at home as I get them done, and pray, pray, pray. I pray for sanity, for peace, for energy, and for the ability to stave off crabbiness. Hopefully next week will slow down… until Kendall starts walking by herself… :)


  1. Great post, Carrie. Fun to read and watch. I hope you have a relaxing day today. Wait! I suppose with all that company coming tomorrow you have a brutal schedule preparing....don't worry about having a perfectly clean house - ok?

  2. Carrie, I don't know of a single woman who has not struggled with all of these same issues. Praise God that you have already learned who your source is. We all need to find our identity in Christ and allow him to flow into all of the other areas of our lives.

    I continue to tell myself that I am not perfect, but perfectly forgiven and strive each day to be all that Christ has called me to be.

    You very much blessed me with the honesty of your post. There is a genuineness and an innocence about you that endears you to others. You are truly a blessing!

