Thursday, August 18, 2011

New dining room part 2

Back to the dining room!

I decided to tape before painting this time. I haven't taped off before painting in a long time and thought I'd try it again.

It took a long time and in the end, it wasn't really worth it. I even followed the instructions of the paint guy in Holmes on Homes on HGTV. He says to do the first coat around the tape really light so that it just sticks to the tape and forms a good barrier. The second coat then should be full coverage, and then you need to pull the tape off when the paint is still wet. My paint still bled through and the lines are not nice and crisp. Don't look too closely at my paint job when you come visit--it's definitely not perfect! :)

Another word of advice--don't use Glidden paint! It was horrible! The darker grey/black went on decently in 2 coats, but the light grey did not go well. It went on clumpy, runny, and with very splotchy coverage. It truly looked horrible. So for the second coat, we used Tim's Fisher discount and bought Diamond Vogel paint. They were able to match the color perfectly and it looks wonderful! I believe this will be our paint brand of choice from now on.

And here are a couple pictures of the almost finished dining room.

More to come again--hopefully soon :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New dining room part 1

I finally got fed up with the less than beautiful (to put it nicely) wallpaper in our dining room a couple weeks ago. I vow to never put wallpaper up on any walls in my house ever! This wallpaper and backing came off very nicely compared to what I've been told, but it was still a unpleasant, long, tedious process. Never again if I can help it! :)

A little glimpse of the wallpaper. Not so bad once you get used to it, but definitely in need of a change!

Scraping the backing off... luckily it came off pretty well by just wetting it down with water. Still hated the whole process!

Finally, with a little help from Mom and Dad Klinge one day, the room was completely stripped of all wallpaper. You might not be able to see from the pictures, but the walls are in rough shape. Definitely not smooth! We are going to need to tear the walls down to put in insulation someday soon, so I decided not to worry about imperfections and just go with it!

My blank slate--and yes, it's a mess. Sorry about that!

More to come...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Kendall “reads” books all the time. Well, she mostly chews on them honestly, but she is also very good at flipping pages. This last weekend Tim read Kendall a couple of his favorite books from when he was growing up. Kendall didn’t have enough patience for the whole story, but she turned those pages! She loves her Daddy so much! It warms my heart to watch, and I can't help but smile (and sometimes get a little teary-eyed, I admit) :)