Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The dogs

By looking at this cute face, you would think that Gus is a wonderfully behaved sweet dog. And he usually is... but today, he was a little more rambunctious than normal. He and Jack crushed part of the fence by our garage, and Gus was able to jump out. Surprisingly, Jack did not follow him and stayed in the yard like a good boy. Although, admittedly, this was probably more due to him being too stupid to figure out how Gus got out than to him not wanting to break the rules. Anyway, when Tim came home from work around 1:30 this afternoon, he found Gus over at the neighbor's house sniffing around (they have 2 dogs). This seemed innocent enough, but then our neighbor Amy got out of her car. She said that when she had come home and tried to get out of her car, Gus growled at her and raised all his fur. So instead of chancing a quick escape into the safety of her home, she decided to just wait in the car until someone called Gus back home. We're not sure how long she was "trapped" in her car, but at least Tim came home to save the day. Good thing we have very decent neighbors--she didn't seem angry or upset at all. Aw, Gus. He was playing his all-protective watchdog role. He just didn't realize it wasn't his yard anymore.

Jack is still the rather dull-witted, very excitable dog you have all gotten to know at one time or another. He spends most of his days wandering around the backyard, laying in the middle of the huge pile of leaves we raked up but have not gotten around to bagging yet, or barking at random things--a dog in the front yard, the mail lady, a leaf blowing past him, or nothing at all. He's still a big baby and cries about everythingl. But we love him. After all, what's not to love? ;)

And now to Maggie... again, nothing has changed. She still loves me above all else, which wouldn't be so bad if she listened to other people (namely Tim) too. But I still have hope that she will come to love Tim as much as she loves me someday. :) She sleeps in the house in her bed in the cage because her small not very furry body cannot handle the cold, but still enjoys spending most days outside with the big dogs. Also another dog that barks at everything and nothing at all.

So that is our family as we know it right now in a nutshell. As much as I love my dogs though, they don't come close to how much I love, respect, and cherish my husband. I know, a little mushy, but it's a true story. :) I love my family and couldn't ask God for much more!

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