Sunday, November 15, 2009

My first blog

Hello all!
So many people are blogging now, I though I'd jump on the bandwagon and start my own. :)

About my life right now...
The most exciting part of my life is that many people from my family have started a weight loss contest together. I'm pretty sure I won't win very often, but either way, it keeps me accountable and pumped. The first week is almost done. I haven't exercised as often as I wanted to or eaten quite as well as I had hoped, but it's been a pretty decent start. Hopefully every week will just keep getting easier and better. And feeling better about myself is always a good thing too.
Other than that, my life is hanging out with my husband, my dogs, cooking and baking, and watching the Bears lose every week. Except for the last part, life is pretty good. :)

In the last couple days I've learned once again that not only is God in control of my life, but that is a good thing. There are things that I want, things that I pray very hard for and sometimes even expect to be given. But in the end its all up to God whether my prayers are answered. How disappointing when I don't get my way! I cry about it for a bit, but then realize that God is the only one who knows the future. He even has a better handle on my present than I do most of the time. God wants to make me happy and bless me. When I don't get what I want, I want to be able to see it as God blessing me, not doing His best to make me unhappy. Not getting my way may be the key to blessings and happiness for the future. So thank you God for always making the final decisions in my life! I will try to remember to always be thankful in the future that God is in charge of my life.

Oh, and if you're wondering where the title of my blog comes from... It's the title of my favorite cd from one of my favorite bands Nouveaux. Amazing... :)


  1. Yeah, Carrie! Thanks for helping us all keep up with your busy newlywed life!!
